Italian language school in Sorrento - learn italian: grammar, conversation, cultural lessons... your italian class!

Italian Courses

BASIC (in group)

Start any Monday, 20 hours per week, Monday to Friday.
Timetable: 9:00- 10:40 Grammar; 11:00 - 12:40 Conversation
maximum group class size 12
1hr in group = 50 minutes  / 1 hr on individual = 60 minutes

If a basic group is composed by only 1 or 2 students, it will be considered an individual course: 2 hours (grammar + conversation)

1 week 20 hours 350 €
2 weeks 40 h 550 €
3 weeks 60 h 760 €
4 weeks 80 h 940 €
extra week 320 €


Start any Monday, 25 hours per week, Monday to Friday.
20 hours in group (9:00- 10:40 Grammar; 11:00 - 12:40 Conversation)
+ 5 hours - individual afternoon classes per week (held between 2 pm and 5 pm)

1 week 25 hours 550 €
2 weeks 50 h 950 €
3 weeks 75 h 1360 €
4 weeks 100 h 1670 €
extra week 520 €


Start any Monday, 30 hours per week, Monday to Friday.
20 in group (9:00- 12:40 Grammar; 11:00 - 12:40 Conversation)
+10 hours - individual afternoon classes per week (held between 2 pm and 5 pm)

1 week 30 hours 750 €
2 weeks 60 h 1350 €
3 weeks 90 h 1960 €
4 weeks 120 h 2540 €
extra week 720 €


One teacher – one student
Timetable: Schedule to be confirmed (morning or afternoon lessons)
Tailored to fit student’s specific needs. Lessons are adapted according to individual needs and area of interests.

10 hours 450 €
20 h 900 €
30 h 1350 €


One teacher – two student
Timetable: Schedule to be confirmed (morning or afternoon lessons)
Tailored to fit student’s specific needs. Lessons are adapted according to individual needs and area of interests.

10 hours 300 €
20 h 600 €
30 h 900 €


- Enrollment fee  €75
- Returning Student: free enrollment

Italian Course Prices


Time in Sorrento:

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Sant’Anna Institute Srl
Registered office: Viale dei Mareschi, 15 - 10051 - Avigliana (TO) Italy
Headquarters: Via Marina Grande, 16 - 80067 - Sorrento (NA) Italy
Paid in capital: € 100.000,00 I.V. REA: TO-908649
P.IVA 07631160012
Phone: +39 081.807.55.99 | +39 081.878.44.70
Fax: +39 081.532.41.40
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